I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the LORD your God.'"
There are many instances in the Old Testament where the Lord reminded the Children of Israel who he was. If you look up I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD WHO... you can find just how many. Why does he have to keep reminding them? One day I was going off on my son because of something he had done wrong. He was a senior in high school. I said to him, "how many times do I have to keep telling you this". The moment the words came out of my mouth, the Spirit spoke to me and said - how many times do I have to keep telling YOU! I was instantly convicted because at that moment I realized - as many times as needed until he gets it. That's my job.
God reminding them who he was, was really an encouragement to them. He was reminding them that he had DELIVERED them out of BONDAGE and whatever they were going through at that moment, it was still BETTA than bondage. It was encouragement that HE HAD NOT CHANGED. It was encouragement that the SAME POWER that delivered them then, could deliver them now. Tye Tribbett puts it this way - IF HE DID IT BEFORE, HE CAN DO IT AGAIN...SAME GOD RIGHT NOW, SAME GOD BACK THEN.
Whatever you are facing today, just recall when he was God "back then" and how far you have come! You've come this far and he has been faithful and failure free. Keep the faith and DON'T GIVE UP! That's what I heard. Be steadfast, unmovable today in the things of God...
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