Friday, January 9, 2015

Just Do It

James 2:18 (CEB) Someone might claim, "You have faith and I have action." But how can I see your faith apart from your actions? Instead, I'll show you my faith by putting it into practice in faithful action

In the scripture it appears that someone was trying to throw shade at the Christians who were trying to act out their faith with deeds. We r no strangers to shade in 2015. A whole lot of folks and got a whole Lotta stuff to say about you and your and your expression of your faith. Again distractions. My Bishop preached Wednesday and it bears repeating some folk need to stay in their lane!  Lol. 

Our job is to just do it. Jesus didn't consult the disciples about his assignment on earth, he just did it.  When anyone begins to walk out their faith there will be people who are not yet ready to walk out their own trying to throw shade on you. It's in those times when you need to keep it moving.  The phrase misery loves company is true and sometimes people just want to keep you in an old mindset when they come against what you're trying to do to act out your faith. Be encouraged today and know that only what you do for Christ will last!  Nothing that you do with an earnest heart to serve God will be in vain.  My great-grandmother Muhdear used to say I can show you better than I can tell you. We just need to do it and give God the glory.  

That's what I heard today!  Dagne

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