That was a long scripture today, however, I wanted the whole context of the message straight from the word. This is Paul writing to the church at Corinth. Today our lives are the examples of Christ and his power on earth. Any right living that we do is not based on ourselves but based on the power that comes from the Lord.
One day when I was a little girl in Sunday school at Mount Olive missionary Baptist Church 608 Main St., Clarksville, TN I recall Mrs. Ella Stacker telling me as she was teaching us from the book of Luke and I wanted to go into the book Galatians that "the sinner (as some of us were not yet saved) had no business in anything after the book of John." She said that the Gospels were written to save the lost and that anything after the book of John was written to the church to teach them how to live once they got saved.
Today we don't have an imprisoned Paul writing to us to tell us how to live. The most we have is Bishop and Pastor Monty on We have the word of God. Our lives and how we live them; our faith and how we display it; our love relationship with Jesus and how we show it are the living epistles of today. It is not through any power that we have but through his Spirit. I thank God for his grace on the days when my story that I'm telling is not the most well written prose I could muster. Today if ur story is not in the best chapter; if the characters have taken a turn for the worse just keep living, keep serving, keep believing. Eddie Kendrick wrote a song about it, Keep on Truckin Baby. Because when it's all well just in the nick of time it's God who gets the credit! We r the epistle. Or as I am calling it the MEpistle!
That's what I heard! Be encouraged today.
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